The Football Betting Bot

That does the research, finds the matches

bets and stakes them all on Auto Pilot!


Why this Bot?



Thanks for dropping by, here we would love to show you a Betfair Football (soccer) bot, what is very different to most if not all out there.

This bot does all that others do, it places bets acording to your settings, and stakes the bets, keep records.


Now we go one step further and it is a big step.

You can now instruct the bot to look at statistics on the teams playing in the league match.

What exactly does that mean?

OK, if can now set conditions, other than prices, betting ranking and market liquidity.

We can now put in conditions, like the "Minimum Rank" difference in the teams. Like if we put a minimum rank of 6, it means that the team we are betting must be ranked in the league ladder 6 postions higher or more than the team it is playing.

And this is only one of many options you can include in your filters.

We can see on this match between Liverpool and Burnley, that Liverpool is ranked 2 on the ladder and Burnley is 16th, Liverpool is 14 postions higher than Burnley.

So if Liverpool met the other conditions, then it would also pass that filter also.

The above example is only a very very small fraction of what you can program into the bot.

You have the statistics triggers, and also price triggers.

In the prices trigger tab, you have control of the markets, prices and staking.

You have the choice of Stop At A winner target betting, with stop loss and stop profit controls.

Level staking, which is flat staking with no recovery, or profit delta allowances.

Odds range that you are prepared to accept, before the bot will consider placing the bets.

Liquidity, setting to make sure there is money in the market to give you a true market indicator, and the ability to get your bets placed.

Setting Profit Delta, which is extra target amount after a losing bet, it increase profitability.

Mexican wave option, if you want to rotate the bets through the staking tabs.

Time to check the markets: we recommend Pre Play just before the kick off.

Once set you can forget this section.

More Statistics You can tap into as a selection criteria.

We briefly touched on the statistics Tab earlier but let's explore more.

Min Rank Difference: Both the teams should have at least this much rank difference for the bet to be qualified. For example, you only want to place the bet on the home team if the home team is at least 6 rank difference than the away team.

What is current season goal ratio- it is sum of 4 parameters

  • Average goal scored per match by home team @ total ( both home and away)
  • Average goal conceded per match by home team @ total ( both home and away)
  • Average goal scored per match by away team @ total ( both home and away)
  • Average goal conceded per match by away team @ total ( both home and away)

What is Adjusted current season goal ratio- it is sum of 4 parameters

  • Average goal scored per match by home team @ Home
  • Average goal conceded per match by home team @ Home
  • Average goal scored per match by away team @ Away
  • Average goal conceded per match by away team @ Away

Now, we have also given option to clients to make their own goal ratio as well.

You can decide what parameters you want and based on that put the min and max My GR values.

Min matches both home and away teams should have played.

Min and max win%, draw%, Lost% for home and away teams at Total or Home/ Away
For example,
Say, you want to place the bet on home team when the home team atleast won more than 50% of the overall matches they have played this season.

Say, you want to place the bet on home team when the home team at least have won more than 40% of the matches they have played at home.

Similarly, you can use other parameters.
Min Failed to score % and Max failed to score %
You can use this like you want to place the bet on the team provided they have not failed to score more than a certain %.

You can really lazer target the percentage in matches on either the home or away team. You may want to bet on teams that have 10% draw or less at home,if you want to lay the draw.


What Markets does the Bot Bet On?

  • Match Odds
  • Over/Under .50
  • Over/Under 1.5
  • Over/Under 2.5
  • Over/Under 3.5
  • Both Team To Score
  • Correct Score
  • Double Chance
  • Draw No Bet
  • Halftime/Fulltime

You can back or lay in these markets.

How Many Matches Can the Bot Bet On At Once?

Staking Tabs (At the Top).

The software runs 20 staking tabs for each of the three back and three lay tabs.

So a total of 120 games could be bet at once if there were that many available, we recommend in most cases you use 10 staking tabs.

We have the user guide below with 9 strategies that you can download for free, and read all that the bot can do.

Just because we have the statistic Tab, you don't have to use it on all the tabs, if you want to keep it simple.

Your 24/7 Betting servant.

Today VPS (virtual private servers) are as cheap as 5 or 6 euro a month, so you can upload the bot to one of those and let it run without you touching it.

Excellent if you are on the move or have a poor internet connect.

You can see more on VPS here

If you dont want a vps, that is OK the bot runs on any windows base PC or Laptop.

It sits there monitoring the hundreds of matches around the world each day, and BAM!! is the match meets the bots setting you are in business, the bot fires of the bet to betfair, stakes it and then records the result.

And you have done sweet nothing (after you have set the settings.)

This is a great way to enjoy the football without the hassle of having to place bets look at stats etc (all the boring parts), leaves you free to enjoy friends, work, sports and have a little skin in the games.

Football is nearly a 24 hour a day sport, little quiet after USA and South America finish usually 4 to 6 hours and then Asia kicks into action, central europe starts, and then all guns blazing for 5 or 6 hours with matches everywhere.

And all year round there are plenty of betable matches happening.

Better money management, of the staking tabs, at allows you to transfer money from losing columns (to lower the target staking) to columns with lower balances.





Why is Soccer Stats Bot For You?

  • Novice or Experience football punter, easy to use, use prices only or the more complexed statistics variants.

  • Bets on all leagues (covered by Betfair) all year round.

  • Set variants on Prices, and liquidity.

  • Set variants on 16 different statistics, so are hard to find you have them live streamed into the bot.

  • 10 markets are covered in the bot.

  • Two staking options, Level and Stop at a winner target staking.

  • Bets into Betfair computer, ability to wager small amounts if you like.

  • Can run 24/7 on your PC or VPS.

  • Records all the transactions, that can be exported into excel.

  • Decision is based on stats+ price = deadly combination

  • Transfer money between staking tabs, from losing columns to winning columns, better money management.


The Betting Fairy Tale.

It's Saturday morning, birds are singing, no one is mowing their lawns, peace is all around.

Only problem it is no you who has just awoken, no you know why?

You have been following the Friday night football, researching, flicking through web sites on football stats, back to betfair checking prices, writing stuff down, highlighting other stuff to check later.

Oh, geez, better bet that match now how much do you need to stake, oh yes, it is here on the spreadsheet, (oh no did you update after that last bet), bugger not sure, o well lets plonk £10 on that.

Bugger match started and you forgot to lay the correct score, and now a goal has been scored, missed that profit oh well, next match is fast approaching, and you can not find the statistics you need for that league...

And you fall asleep, just 10 minutes you say, 5 hours later you have missed 3 winning matches,bets you should have placed.

All the toys are tossed out of the cot... bugger this football betting, how am I going to cover the 400 odds games this Saturday?

The answer and the shocking ending to this fairy tale is you can't.

And why should you take this 20th Century approach, when for under £3.00 a week, the Soccer Stats Bot will do all that for you.

Check the markets, reload the markets every few hours, check the betfair markets just before the kick off. Grab the live feed statistics, all 16 of them, compare them to your settings, and if all conditions are met the bot fires off a bet, to the staking that has been set.

All in the blink of an eye (or faster).

Have you ever thought that less than £2.00 a week could deliver so much, profit and fun, and free up so much of your life.

Whether you are a nickel and dime punter or a 10 quid punter or more, this bot, answers alot of prayers.

So the fairy tale can really become a reality.. to thoses that act fast.

Remember, the world is changing, whether you like it or not, like death and tax, change is inevitable.

Remember writing bets on bits of paper and handing it over at the bookie with your money.. then they had computers when no one else could afford them.

All gone, now the power of betting is with you the punter, never before has it been easier to have the knowledge and ablitity to win.

This is a tool to even make that more possible..Decision is based on stats+ price = deadly combination

Wake up now and secure the very best price for this super intelligent betting bot.


Tutorial 1


Runtime 19 minutes.

Tutorial 2


Runtime 15 minutes.

We Get You Kick Started with 7 Strategies, 5 Backing, 2 Laying.

But we know you will most likely find better ways to use it.

We started with most of these strategies on the 9th March to 09/04/2019, when we completed the bot.

Backing Strategies

We have tried several backing strategies some have been good, and some well not so.

£1.00 Target Bets

with £1.00 Profit Delta

Profit is £565.40

You can use 3 Backing Strategies in the

Soccer Stats Bot.

This is the highest returning Backing Strategy.

Strategy Back 1

16-3-2019 to 4th August, 2019

£201.50 , £1.00 Target .


This is the highest returning Laying Strategy.

Strategy Lay 1

16-3-2019 to 6th August, 2019

£248.00 : £1.00 Target and £1.00 Profit Delta.

These two strategies alone have made £450.00



You can run 3 Back Strategies in Soccer Stats Bot.

To Date they have returned £563.00 to 8th August, 2019

Laying Strategies

£1.00 Target Bets

with £1.00 Profit Delta

Profit is £281.30

You can use 3 Laying Strategies in the

Soccer Stats Bot.

# Please Note, Lay 2 was not used in May, (my error, have restarted it now).



The Strategies are explained in the User Guide Below that you can download free.


On the strategies:

We give you 7 strategies in the guide below, that have produced these results.

As you can see some have a great return and others have a lot less bets.

We have shown you these, not as a blue print to stick to, but as a guide, and I will tell you why.

The matches that the bot bets on are not most of the time your glamour leagues or teams, but lesser known leagues.

And with these leagues and matches are low liquidly, and therefore can not take lots of people all making the same bets.

So please look at the strategies and then make them your own, add and delete bits where you think the results can be improved and also so you can not completing with the people copying our exact setting.

In Summary:

"Tread Your Own Path", but use our strategies as a guide to your own strategies.

The bot will allow you to have three Back Strategies, and three Lay strategies.

The more you think about your settings the more the returns will improve.







12 month Deluxe Licence

Licence is for 1 Computer Only.

and 12 months use.

Soccer Stats Bot

For Window Based Computers Only.

Can be used on Windows based VPS also.

Limited Numbers



12 4

Grab Now For


Save £20.00


Around 41p a day!!

Bet these all year round.



6 month Deluxe Licence

Licence is for 1 Computer Only.

and 6 months use.

Soccer Stats Bot

For Window Based Computers Only.

Can be used on Windows based VPS also.

Limited Numbers



Grab Now For


Around 50p a day!!

Bet these all year round.






If you don't accept this offer where will you be with your punting in a month from now?

2019-2025 ©

Steve Davidson © 2019-2025

Refund Policy

We, as a merchant, provide both products (goods) and services (information) to our customers.

Unlike companies that provide a tangible product that can be returned for a refund, our product is information. It can be used immediately upon viewing, and there is no product to return. Once a service has commenced, there can be no refund. Our services are the absolute best we can make them. Just as with the Stock Market, our customers must recognize that the information cannot be guaranteed, and that past performance is not a promise of future results. What is guaranteed is that each and every customer will receive the service that was purchased in full.

If merchandise or products are ordered through a Direct Mail advertisement or via the Internet, the guarantee, if any, is included in the mailing, promotion or service description. Our advertising will also include the terms and conditions for refunds on any books, publications and/or systems purchased.



Steve Davidson


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